So I have discover a new tool for making mini web pages and very cool posters. Now I am trying to decide how or why or if this might be useful in my teaching. Just to try it out, I made a page for a book I recently read, embedding a You-tube video, an image, and a quote. I must say, it looks pretty good.
One thing that would make it good for using with kids, is that there are a limited number of design options. Sometimes this is helpful for kids who might otherwise become paralyzed with indecision when faced with too many decisions (kids like myself!)
Another thing I liked is that the elements in each page are added with individual components that are modified one-at-time. This sense of incremental building is helpful for kids, in that they can manage one part of a project at a time, and won't get overwhelmed by what may seem an enormous task.
The projects can be shared on a variety of social media sites with one click, emailed, or embedded into a web page. I composed my project on the ipad, and I did have trouble getting the embed code from within Safari. So, for now I am just posting the link, and will embed using the laptop.
so here is the embedded version, you must click on it to scroll down.
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