Monday, March 10, 2014

Library Badges

I've been experimenting with a new reading incentive idea:  BADGES!  So far, the kids are pretty excited about it.  One of the parents came in to tell me that I "hit it out of the park with this one".  I can tell that I a have made a fair amount of work for myself with this project, however.  I will need to recruit some volunteer help to iron on patches, hang up projects, and send stuff home after it's been displayed for awhile.

I made accounts on for each grade, and on my take home materials, I invited parents to make accounts for their children.  For 5th graders, I showed the kids how to make accounts themselves.

I sent home a Badge "Guidebook" detailing a project for the kids to do with each genre.  I also have badges for some of the activities we do on a "Flipped Classroom" model... in other words, activities
that require students to log in on their own time in order to truly excel.  For example, my favorite badge is keyboarding:

and the coding badge:

If I were to do it again, I would make more of the badges harder to get!

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