Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Digital Citizenship Projects

The fourth & fifth graders have been learning about the school Acceptable Use Policy, and digital citizenship in general. To share their learning, the students did a couple fun things... 4th Graders shared ideas on a digital bulletin board, created with Linoit. I really like this tool, because it allows all the kids to express their ideas to the group, also, they strive to think of information that hasn't yet been shared, so they are really racking their brains. Linoit is easy to use, but I wish our school didn't block access to Padlet, which is an even nicer tool!
5th graders each made a Voki to tell about a computer rule. They LOVED using Voki, and were very pleased to have their creations shared on the school web page. This was a very engaging approach to teaching this material. Here's an example:

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