Tuesday, October 15, 2013


One of my techie friends at a local school challenged us in a mathematical contest using SUMDOG. I'd registered a while ago, but hadn't loaded my students until now. Today I introduced it to a class of 2nd graders and a class of 5th graders and they loved it! Several of the kids wrote down their log-in information so they can play at home. It was the perfect activity for the kids today because it's only a 3-day week, and I didn't want to start any new grade-level projects, since I won't see the other classes this week. Kids log in and play a series of math games against other players who are logged in at the time, or a "robot". They earn coins depending on how accurate they are. I can choose how hard the problems are, or even dictate a specific type of problems (coin values, for example)

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