Monday, May 5, 2014

Abc Order

I have so many favorite Alphabet books! At this point in the year, I like to think that most of my kindergartners have mastered the letter names and sounds, and are ready to master other skills related to the alphabet, namely putting the letters in alphabetical order.

 To this end, today we will play an active little whole-brain game that I call Too far, not far enough...
The Rules:
 Post an alphabet strip on both sides of the room. (Older kids won't need this)
 Choose one child to be "it". They turn their back to the whiteboard(to start, choose one who is pretty confident with ABC order)
 I write a letter on the whiteboard (eg; "F")
 "it" guesses a letter. (eg; "S") Class jumps up. (S is "too far")
 "it" guesses again. (eg; D) Class squats down (the guess is "not far enough" or occurs too early in the alphabet.
Play continues until "it" guesses the correct letter.

I also use an ipod app that has draw-by-number AND draw-by-ABC order connect-the dot puzzles.
 It's called Kids Connect.  The kids love a chance to play with the ipods.  The letters and numbers are teensy weensy, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone but me!

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