Monday, May 5, 2014

Voice Thread for the Treasure State Book Award

I used to love Voice Thread.  I always used it for the students to comment on the titles nominated for the annual Treasure State Award.  Now, I am unable to log in on more than one device, so it has turned into an activity that we all do as a class, instead of letting the students work independently.

So, really, the advantages of using Voice Thread are diminished.  If I want to use it with more than one person at a time, I have to pay $80 a year.  I may as well use ThingLink, LinoIt or Padlet- at least I can embed those tools!

Just for this year, I decided to go ahead and use VoiceThread for this year's project.  The students get to record their thoughts on each of the 4 titles we read, then we vote for the book we love most. This year, the overwhelming favorite was Jangles by David Shannon

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